Laravel’s scheduling command is a powerful feature that allows developers to automate tasks efficiently. If you’re managing routine tasks like sending emails, cleaning up databases, or generating reports, Laravel’s scheduler is your go-to tool. In this article, we’ll break down how to use this feature, understand its components, and explore various cron expressions that you can leverage in your Laravel applications.

The Laravel Scheduling Command

The core command used in Laravel’s scheduling is as follows:

* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1

Let’s dissect this command:

  • Minute: The first asterisk (*) represents the minute (0-59).
  • Hour: The second asterisk (*) represents the hour (0-23).
  • Day of Month: The third asterisk (*) represents the day of the month (1-31).
  • Month: The fourth asterisk (*) represents the month (1-12).
  • Day of Week: The fifth asterisk (*) represents the day of the week (0-6, where 0 is Sunday).

Understanding Cron Expressions with Examples

Cron expressions are used to define the schedule at which the command should run. Here are some common examples:

Basic Cron Expression

* * * * *
  • Description: Runs every minute of every hour, every day of every month.

Specific Time

30 12 * * *
  • Description: Runs at 12:30 PM every day.

Daily Schedule

0 9 * * *
  • Description: Runs at 9:00 AM every day.

Weekly Schedule

0 8 * * 1
  • Description: Runs at 8:00 AM every Monday.

Monthly Schedule

0 0 1 * *
  • Description: Runs at midnight on the first day of every month.

Specific Day of the Month

0 0 15 * *
  • Description: Runs at midnight on the 15th of every month.

Combining Elements

0 15 10 * 1-5
  • Description: Runs at 10:15 AM on every weekday (Monday to Friday).

Example with Specific Minutes

*/5 * * * *
  • Description: Runs every 5 minutes.

Example with Specific Hours

0 */3 * * *
  • Description: Runs at the top of every 3rd hour.

Example with Specific Days of the Month

0 0 1,15 * *
  • Description: Runs at midnight on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Understanding the Components

  • php: This indicates that the following command should be executed using the PHP interpreter.
  • /path/to/artisan: This specifies the location of the artisan command-line utility, which is a tool provided by Laravel for interacting with the application.
  • schedule:run: This is an Artisan command that triggers the execution of scheduled tasks in Laravel.
  • 1>> /dev/null 2>&1: This redirects both standard output and error messages to /dev/null, effectively silencing any output from the command.

Detailed Breakdown of 1>> /dev/null 2>&1

To fully understand this command, it’s important to break down each part:

1. 1>>

  • 1: This refers to the standard output (stdout), which is the default output stream for most commands. When you run a command, the results are typically sent to stdout unless redirected.
  • >>: This is the append redirection operator. It means that the output from stdout will be appended to a file, instead of overwriting it. However, in this specific command, the output is not being appended to a file but rather to /dev/null.

2. /dev/null

  • /dev/null: This is a special file in Unix-like operating systems that acts as a black hole. Any data sent to /dev/null is discarded. This is useful when you want to run a command without producing any output or logging any messages.

3. 2>&1

  • 2: This refers to the standard error (stderr), which is the default error stream for commands. Error messages from a command are sent to stderr.
  • >&1: This means “redirect stderr to where stdout is currently going.” The & symbol is necessary to indicate that 1 refers to the file descriptor (a number that represents stdout) rather than a file named 1.

How It Works Together

When combined, 1>> /dev/null 2>&1 does the following:

  1. 1>> /dev/null:

    • This part redirects the standard output (stdout, 1) to /dev/null, effectively discarding it. The >> operator is used to append, but since /dev/null discards everything, the distinction between > and >> is irrelevant here.
  2. 2>&1:

    • This part redirects the standard error (stderr, 2) to the same destination as standard output (stdout, 1), which has already been redirected to /dev/null. Therefore, any error messages are also discarded.

Detailed Breakdown with Examples

  1. Standard Output (1) Redirection:

    • Normally, if you run a command like ls, the output (a list of files) is sent to the terminal via stdout. If you use 1> output.txt, it would send that list to a file named output.txt.
    • 1>> output.txt would append the list to output.txt if the file already exists.
  2. Standard Error (2) Redirection:

    • If a command generates an error, such as ls non_existent_file, the error message is sent to stderr. By default, this is displayed on the terminal.
    • You can redirect stderr to a file using 2> error.txt or 2>> error.txt to append to an existing file.
  3. Combining Both Redirections:

    • If you want to discard both stdout and stderr, you could redirect both to /dev/null:
      • 1> /dev/null discards the normal output.
      • 2>&1 ensures any error messages are discarded as well by redirecting stderr to wherever stdout is going (/dev/null in this case).

Why Use Redirection?

Redirecting both stdout and stderr to /dev/null is useful in scenarios where you want to run a command silently, without producing any output or logging any errors. This is often done in cron jobs or scripts where you don’t want to clutter the output with unnecessary information.

The Overall Purpose

The command is designed to run the scheduled tasks in your Laravel application without displaying any output or error messages on the console. This is particularly useful when running the command as a cron job or in a background process.

By redirecting both standard output and standard error to /dev/null, you prevent any potential clutter in the console or log files. However, it’s important to note that this also means you won’t see any information about the execution of the command, including success or failure messages.

Additional Considerations

  • Error Handling: While redirecting errors to /dev/null can be convenient, it’s generally recommended to log errors to a proper log file for troubleshooting purposes. You can achieve this by using Laravel’s logging facilities instead of relying solely on the command-line output.
  • Cron Jobs: If you’re using this command within a cron job, consider using a more descriptive subject line for the cron job email so you can easily identify the job and any potential issues.


In summary, Laravel’s scheduling command is an efficient way to automate tasks without producing any visible output, making it ideal for background execution or cron jobs. However, for proper error handling and monitoring, it’s advisable to implement additional logging mechanisms to ensure you capture important information about the task’s execution.